Technology@school Project

Most children today spend so much time with mobile devices like tablets and smartphones to play and interact on social media. So, it only seems logical to align the classrooms and all associated academic processes with equipment and systems that students want and are used to, helping them access the most up-to-date information quicker and easier than ever before.

Microsoft Digital Literacy | coding | Robotics | Cinematography |


PROFIXMGT makes it fun and easy for kids to learn how to code! Kids start with KEA, Scratch, LOGO, Minecraft, Kodu, App Inventor’s visual blocks to begin the process of learning programming basics, and then graduate to written programming languages like Python, HTML, CSS, and Java.



Elementary & Secondary school solutions

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Elementary technology use not only helps young students learn the skills required to operate the newest devices and latest software, but also allows them to research and solve problems in a collaborative and cooperative manner with their peers. Also, Effective tech integration changes classroom dynamics, encouraging student-centred project-based learning.

Computer Coding:

Almost everything runs on a computer program now. Understanding this language, the benefits, and what it can do, will open up your child to a world of possibilities.

Is coding a part of STEM?

Coding is one of those skills that can be applied broadly across many different disciplines. While coding is often compared to learning a language, the skills learned in coding are actually more closely related to the STEM subjects.


Videos, animations, creative images, they drive engaging content and keep us evolving. The child will be exposed to the operations of a cinematographer, how movies are created, how to operate a camera and make short videos, how to use software to create videos, etc


Robotics is important because it creates a variety of robots, or machines, that can do important work that keeps us healthy and makes jobs easier.  we teach kids to understand the workings of a robot, the technology behind it, how to create one and the various purposes it serves in our world.


eLearning, or electronic learning, is the delivery of learning and training through digital resources. … This makes it easy for users to learn anytime, anywhere, with few, if any, restrictions. Basically, eLearning is training, learning, or education delivered online through a computer or any other digital device

STEM Curriculum


Science is a body of knowledge and a method of inquiry. It’s about asking the right questions and finding accurate answers. Often, collaborative projects are involved, so kids need to be able to work together. Our classes introduce the thrill of experimentation and discovery to individual students as well as teams.


To turn ideas into real things, people use various forms of technology. 3D printers, CNC machines, robotics, and the Internet of Things (IoT) are just a few of the implements that enable creators to transform imagination into reality. 


Engineering is about designing, testing, and building. These skills are part of the STEM curriculum and sometimes require software or other tools. Kids may learn to use CAD/CAM software to design a part, analyze its physical properties, and generate the code required to actually make it on a 3D printer or CNC machine.


Math skills for STEM include everything from basic arithmetic to calculus. Students may need to do some manual calculations, but they should also know how to use powerful tools like Python’s built-in math libraries.